3 Important Questions You Should Ask When it Comes to Home Ownership

how often should gutters be cleaned

There are literally hundreds of important aspects that you need to focus on as a homeowner. There are plenty of obvious ones, sure, including grocery shopping, household cleanliness, and general maintenance care; but there are lots of other things you need to focus on that might not come to mind right away.

Here are some important questions you should be aware of when it comes to first-time home ownership:

  • How often should gutters be cleaned? — Clogged gutters are actually the number one cause of basement water problems. Since an inch of rainfall can pour nearly 1,500 gallons of water onto your roof, each gallon weighing eight pounds, your home is in serious danger of suffering from major damages. Therefore, when it comes to answering how often should gutters be cleaned, it’s recommended to have your gutters cleaned at least two or three times a year. Keep in mind, it’s best to consult with a professional gutter cleaning service provider to ensure that you’re properly handling your roof and gutters. Cleaning out a few leaves can be done by yourself, but hiring a professional gutter cleaning company is a much better idea if you need a thorough cleaning, gutter installation, or gutter replacement work done as well.


  • How can I keep my windows looking great? — If you truly want to have beautiful windows on your home, you need to keep them clean at all times. In fact, it’s recommended to thoroughly clean your windows close to once a week. Plenty of homeowners wash the inside of their windows but ignore the exterior, where the majority of window grime is located. Grab a squeegee, a bucket of soapy water, and some dry towels and get to work turning your dirty windows into amazing-looking fixtures.


  • Who is going to tend to the landscape? — If you’re unable to perform various landscaping duties like lawn mowing, gardening, and similar tasks, you should have an idea of who can assist you so your landscape doesn’t deteriorate over time. Either work with a professional landscaping service or ask a family member to help you out. If you can perform these outdoor tasks, get to work!

If you’re still unsure of how often should gutters be cleaned and want to work with professional gutter cleaning service providers, give Gutter Maid a call right away.