When people think of what the most important parts off their house are, their mind likely goes to things such as the roof, windows, siding, a retaining wall, or insulation. However, your home’s unsung hero is the gutters. They provide a place for water to go when it rains and storms, and they protect those who enter and leave your home. Having gutters that are not functioning properly can do a lot of damage to your property and the people around your home. Thus, it is important to know when it’s time to clean your gutters without having to check them all the time. Below is a list of some questions to ask yourself.
When is the last time I cleaned them?
Knowing that it is important to clean your gutters at least twice a year should tell you roughly when you should clean them next. For example, if your gutters have not been cleaned since November and it is currently June, they should have already been cleaned once this year. While many people recommend that your gutters be cleaned once a year, cleaning them (or having a gutter cleaning service provider do it for you) every six months can be very helpful.
Do my gutters appear to be draining water properly?
Whenever there is rain, however light it may be, it is helpful to check your downspouts to see if water is draining properly. If they appear to be, it is likely okay to wait until the next regular cleaning. However, if they do not appear to be draining correctly, there may be an unexpected blockage somewhere within the gutter. If this happens, your gutters need to be checked immediately! There is likely a clog somewhere. A clogged gutter could be holding thousands of pounds of water, and how long do you expect them to be able to withstand that? Whether you are hiring a professional gutter cleaning company or doing it yourself, this is always an urgent matter. These regular checks can be very helpful for maintaining the health of your gutters (preventing a possible need for gutter replacement) and the overall health of your home, considering just one inch of summer rainfall pours about 1,500 gallons of water onto your roof. Also, regular roof maintenance is important.
Have there been high winds lately?
Whether due to a storm or the fact that you simply live in a windy climate, high winds happen. Take a look at your yard; is it covered in leaves, twigs, and other debris? If your yard is covered in these types of things, imagine what could be in your gutters. Storms that also include rain can be especially dangerous to your home in this regard. If your yard is covered in debris, your gutters should be checked soon or even replaced, depending on how the winds affected them. A gutter cleaning service provider will then likely need to be called unless you do it yourself.
If you do decide to hire a gutter cleaning service provider, you want to make sure that you hire a good one. In many parts of Maryland and Virginia, GutterMaid is one of the leading gutter cleaning service providers around. They are highly recommended by many customers. Consider checking out their website today for all your gutter cleaning needs! Their professional staff will assist you with whatever you need. GutterMaid also offers leaf protection for your gutters. Consider talking to one of their professionals today to find out what type of leaf protection is right for your house.