Gutters are some of the most vulnerable parts of any residence. They withstand weather, seasonal changes, and outdoor factors more than other components of a house. Given this, it’s no surprise that your gutters get damaged. Fortunately, these tips for preventing gutter damage will ensure your gutters remain stable and in good condition all year long.
Hail Damage
The best way to prevent hail damage is to have gutters made from heavy-duty materials, such as copper or stainless steel. These are the strongest gutter materials available and will resist impact from hail and other extreme weather conditions. Replace the brackets in the spring, summer, or fall to secure your gutter system in place. Since hail can damage your roof and siding too, nail down any loose shingles during the non-winter seasons to avoid further structural damage.
Snow Damage
For the snow, it’s best to install a de-icing system to avoid any ice dams or snow build-up. During the extreme cold, water can freeze inside your gutters which can cause them to expand and break. While proper insulation can help prevent this, the best solution is to install a heat cable through the gutters to melt ice and keep your gutters and downspouts clear.
Water Damage
While it might sound counter-intuitive for water to damage your gutters, it can happen. A good way to minimize water damage is to layer your gutters with water-resistant paint. This will seal any cracks or leaks that developed.
Foundational Damage
Damaged gutters can ruin your home’s structural integrity. As the gutters overflow, the water can pool on the roof and cause leaks and mold growth. It can also drip down and collect at the home’s base which can flood the basement or ground floor. To prevent this, point and extend your downspout away from your home to prevent water from collecting around your foundation. It’s also good to perform preventative maintenance around your home with routine checks at the base of your house to see if it sinks.
Clogged Gutters
Arguably, the best way to prevent clogged gutters to install gutter guards. These prevent debris from collecting. When gutters clog, they can lead to roof damage, pests, and a flooded basement. Keep in mind the different types of gutter guards available. There are mesh gutter guards, bottlebrush guards, metal or wire screen guards, foam guards, and reverse curve guards depending on your budget and preference.
There are many reasons why gutters overflow, but the main ones are excess debris, misalignment, too much rain, and simply not enough gutters or downspouts. It’s easy to clean the inside of your gutters, but you should also inspect any misalignment or other structural issues.
With all said and done, you should also have your gutter properly inspected. At Gutter Maid, we specialize in gutter installation in Bowie, Maryland. Our gutter installation and repair guarantee a top-quality gutter system for your residence. Call us today!